Wearable Art

This Dress was accepted as 1 of the top 16 on the Project Runway's website in the individual challenge of clothing made out of unconventional materials

Dress and Accessories made from Rubber Flooring

This is my very good friend Jackie, and this outfit came from a work assignment when we worked together for an architectural firm. Jackie is an interior designer and fellow artist and entered a wearable art fashion event with outfits made only from industrial design products. We were assigned rubber flooring (lucky us), Jackie made all the accessories and I (Shelby) made the dress. Jackie modeled the outfit at the show and did great! We took the dress after the show and did a photo shoot, (cause "yes" we also have a photography business) and because the flooring manufacturer wanted the outfit to put on display in their showroom.
Rubber Dress 2   Rubber Dress 3

I can't even count how many hundreds of holes that I had to drill press through the rubber,
but I haven't used a drill press since.

Rubber Dress 4   Rubber Flooring Dress 1